How Well Are You Playing The Conference Attendance Game?
- By Katy Caroan
- on November 24, 2014
The Game Isn’t Over When The Conference Ends After my attendance in the Global Peter Drucker Forum 2014 event in Vienna, I reflected on what I can do to keep the spirit and the outcomes of the conference alive...
Read moreThe Ultimate, Blended Conference Experience In The Digital Age
- By Katy Caroan
- on November 16, 2014
How advancing leaders contribute to an event where everybody wins The Hall of Sciences in Vienna has been an important meeting place to share knowledge since the 17th century. Over the last few days, the impressive, early baroque building...
Read moreWarm Connections Boost Conference Experience And Impact
- By Katy Caroan
- on November 11, 2014
How advancing leaders prepare for conference attendance in the digital age When looking back at the conferences you attended over the last few years, how many of them resulted in long lasting business relationships, led to exciting business opportunities...
Read moreNothing new on the behavioral front
- By Katy Caroan
- on December 11, 2012
I have really enjoyed giving speeches this season, not because the topic is new to me, but because I can see a trend shift in the audiences when engaging with them. It seems we are entering into a state...
Read moreWhy we all need to make digital footprints on an ongoing basis
- By Katy Caroan
- on November 2, 2012
There seems to be a perception among many leaders and ambitious entrepreneurs that social media may not be significant in their business, industry or professional relationships in general. Here are some examples of phrases I pick up over and...
Read moreThe 3 secrets that make it profitable to be a savvy social media player
- By Katy Caroan
- on August 14, 2012
I must have read hundreds of articles about why I should spend time on social media. And I have spent time reading articles about new tools that makes me save time and maximize my presence in social media...
Read moreDecoding the social media scene for lasting results
- By Katy Caroan
- on July 19, 2012
There seems to be hundreds, even thousands of blog articles on the topic of how to “get” social media, how to decode the secret keys to understand and benefit from the increasing number of tools available and last, but...
Read moreCould you learn from other people’s mistakes in using social media to get results?
- By Katy Caroan
- on June 19, 2012
Today’s social media tools enable us to listen to the market and communicate with colleagues, potential employers, customers and business partners in a new way, and this gives you a chance to tell your story, demonstrate your ambition...
Read moreStop doing, start playing: Gamify your real life challenge!
- By Katy Caroan
- on October 22, 2011
Becoming visible online, communicating clearly to the wider network and positioning the personal brand by establishing authority within an area of expertise takes courage and an initial investment in time. Over the last 2 years, I’ve seen colleagues and...
Read moreAre You an Opportunity Magnet?
- By Katy Caroan
- on September 25, 2011
To which degree are you attracting opportunities to grow professionally? Are you among those waiting for other people to step forward and ask you to act, or are you positioning yourself towards opportunities on short as well as long...
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